

Monday, October 29, 2007

An update from the Seccombes

Reading David and Lorraine Seccombe's letter was much like going on a lightning world trip. Maybe Kanishka and his family may have felt a little like that after their month-long whizz around. I was left feeling exhausted after reading his 4-page epistle. But I was also left feeling how important it is that we as a Church continue to pray for David and support the work of George Whitefield College in Capetown, South Africa. He is clearly a visionary with a truly global perspective.

His letter highlighted the special way God is at work among the Chinese people and also the fact that the Korean churches are sending huge numbers of missionaries to every corner of the globe. He speaks of the resistance to the Gospel among Thai Buddhists but the hope expressed by Thai Christian pastors that there would be a Christian congregation in every village by 2010. I happen to know how far that is from being realised in this year of 2007.

He speaks of the sea change in missions when missionaries are not just going from the West to the East, but increasingly from the East to the West where the church has so often lost its first love. He also speaks of the thrill of meeting in Frankfurt, Germany the principals of 105 evangelical theological college in the emerging world, coming as they did from Eastern Europe, the Indian Sub-continent, South America and Asia.

When the focus of his letter settled on GWC he has asked us to pray for the development of the College. Despite carefully prepared submissions to the Minister of Eduation they only were granted 'provisional' registration as a Private Higher Education Institution. So we need to pray specifically that full registration will be granted when further submissions are made.

Then there is the pressing need for more Africans on the faculty. This is David's great longing and matches the increasing demands in South African society. But the right people have to be found and that is not easy. Let us join with him in prayer for that. David praises the Lord for gifts that have made it possible to deal with some, but not all, of the Colleges debts. The Education Department of South Africa is very interested to see that the College is financially stable.

GWC is a vital and strategic insitution to help the Church in Africa towards maturity. Let us pray for it and the Seccombe family . Three of David and Lorraine's children are now wanting to base in Perth and David and Lorraine will be here for some months next year when they take leave from the College . So we hope to see a lot more of them if their plans develop as they hope.
Let us pray for them and the College at which they are making such a key contribution.

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