

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Minute for Groote Eytlandt

Our focus on Missions today, is on the work being done by CMS among the indigenous people of our country. With the recent Government intervention in the NT we have all been made painfully aware of the great need for the Gospel's message of love and forgiveness, and of social justice for all. CMS has been doing this in the NT for 80 years! We as a Church have been given the opportunity to become more aware of what CMS actually does in one place where it works - Groote Eylandt, an island in the Gulf of Carpentaria. It has proved difficult to find four people from St Matthew's who could make themselves available for ten days in mid-July to go as our representatives to see at first hand just how this work is done. They would then come and report back to us all so that we could better understand how to support CMS in this work.

Perhaps it would help us all if we knew exactly what the team will be doing:
The team will be led by Rev Steve Pivetta, the General Secretary of CMS in WA and they will spend 1 day in Darwin visiting Nungalinya College which trains indigenous people for Christian ministry. The first day on Groote Eylandt will be spent on orientation with CMS missionary, Rev Rob Haynes and the last day will be spent on debriefing. The rest of the time will be spent sitting and listening to the stories of aboriginal Christians, learning from them, sharing and being together as brothers and sisters in Christ. There will be very little opportunity for hands-on work, but rather it will be a learning time for those who go. Indigenous people, like us all, want to be heard, to be valued and cared for. This is a precious opportunity. If you feel you would like to take this opportunity, and then share it with us on your return, see Kanishka or Nigel or Gavin or Blodwyn.

It will be a challenge to faith to raise the necessary $2,500 but the Lord can supply all that is needed if this is the opportunity God is giving you. Our faith grows as it is stretched. The proceeds of the Concert will be divided between each one, as St Matthew's gift to help you finance the venture. If we are to have a sizeable amount to share, we will need to sell a lot more tickets today.

The actual dates are 9-19th July which is during the school holidays at the end of second term.

Let us bring this matter to the Lord in prayer now.

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