

Sunday, November 16, 2008

A postcard from Liberia

Several weeks ago we were greatly helped by a M4M presentation from Ian and Jenny Gilmour who were preparing to go for the second time with Mercy Ships. For those who may have missed out on hearing them let me say that Ian is an anaesthetist and Jenny is a nurse and they are serving on a ship which will be in Liberia serving the medical needs of the local people. Since they left they have kept us well informed of their activities and are now half-way through their four week stint. They write as follows:

"This week Iain and I have been working in the same OR with a Spanish surgeon, a Scottish anaesthetist and 2 theatre nurses from Canada and Holland. We are working well as a team but the surgeon I think is Africa's Mercy's equivalent of Manuel in Fawlty Towers. He looks a bit like him and his English is certainly not the greatest. But despite all the communication problems, he is a good surgeon and is helping a lot of sick people.

Do pray for ongoing healing for children who swallow caustic soda. Their parents make soap for a living and the children mistakenly drink the solution thinking it is water. The results are heartbreaking. The children are usually between 1 and 4 years and are terrified of the procedure. Because they are often malnourished Iain is finding it difficult to get an IV in, sometimes taking 1.5 hours to do it. Many operations are necessary to dilate the oesophagus and make eating possible. Let us pray for all those involved in this process.

Iain and Jenny say that they are sleeping well, and are having some time off to call home and take a break. They are challenged to live out their faith in a very international team, in cramped and noisy conditions and continually confronted with the huge needs of patients from a poor country whose needs are so vast. Let us pray for them as they continue to demonstrate their love for Christ in this sacrificial way. Blodwyn Timms

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