

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Minute 4 Mission

Pete is one of our Mission Partners. Eight months ago Pete went to the Middle East. He senses God's call to spend his life in the Middle East seeking to build bridges with Muslim people. He is presently learning Arabic, is living alone and is finding his life very restricted. He has had three bouts in hospital for digestive problems and can't shake off a persistent cough. He has struggled to get his computer up and running so his communications with us have been erratic.

He has just returned from a month in Thailand and loved having some annual leave. A long conversation by phone with him recently showed that he was nevertheless in good heart although he confesses to feeling very lonely. He is very diligent in his Arabic studies but asks us to pray that he will find one or two other people to study with him in a group: the cost of one-on-one language teaching is just too much for his budget. He also asks us to pray that he will find a flatmate, preferably an Arab, so that he can maximise his opportunities of getting to know the culture. Pete is isolated. He said he had a very good Norwegian friend but he left last week. He said that a lot of people come and go and it is hard to form good friendships.

With the Muslim world in such ferment, it is so very timely that Pete is there he warrants our daily prayers. pray for him now!

Gwenyth & Blodwyn

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