

Friday, May 23, 2008

A day conference for Workers

Welcome to the Jungle!

Expectations and required performance levels are high. For many people, work has become the primary place where they belong and have their identity. How does God want his people to live and work? What does the Bible have to teach us about work and the Christian in the workplace? And how does our identity in Christ shape our approach to our work?

You are invited to a Day Conference
9am to 3pm Saturday 14th June 2008
held at Subiaco Church of Christ 260 Bagot Rd Subiaco
$40 waged $25 unwaged (morning tea and lunch included)

Here is the Program

0900 Sign In
0930 Session 1 Nigel Gordon “God, Work and Us”
1030 Morning Tea (provided)
1100 Session 2 Nigel Gordon “The Christian in the Workplace”
1200 Lunch (provided)
0100 Elective
10200 Elective
20300 Close

Workers sign up!

Click Here to Register


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