

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Consider Cornerstone

Cornerstone is a weekend on the best Bible teaching - relevant, incisive, challenging, inspiring and gutsy. It is for young adults (from 18-39) in Perth and WA. It has a relaxed atmosphere with plenty of time to meet people from a variety of churches and backgrounds centred around Bible talks, complimented by electives and small group discussions, singing and praying.

Designing Church
What should church look like?

We've all done it. It's usually halfway through a church service when we start daydreaming about what church would be like if we were in charge. But what should church look like? Contemporary? What's the role of tradition? Can you be reflective and rejoice at the same time? What sort of music should we ave? In fact, why do we sing anyway? Is it better to be more spontaneous or more organized? And come to think of it, what is church?! At Cornerstone 2008 we'll be investigating the big questions facing you and your church today.

Cornerstone 2008 will be held on February 29 - March 3.
Friday evening to Monday morningFebruary 29 - March 3, 2008
Friday 8:00pm Sam Chan The Church and Power - 1 Corinthians 1
Saturday 9:00am Marty Foord The Mega-Church for the Mini-God - Romans 1:18-32
11:00am Sam ChanThe Church and Sex - 1 Corinthians 6
2:00pm Recreation
5:00pm Electives
7:15pm Marty FoordA Consumer's Guide to Church - Ephesians 4:11-16
8:15pm Phil DavidsonConcert
Sunday 9:00am
Sam Chan The Church and Love - 1 Corinthians 13
11:00am Electives
5:00pm Question & Answer
7:15pm Marty FoordThe Church on Private Property - Matthew 28:18-20
Monday Church/Group Time (optional)
Our speakers come from a variety of places and churches, but they share the conviction that God speaks to us through his Word, the Bible. And what God says is relevant, important and life-changing.
Cornerstone is also now part of the Christian Conventions of WA.
Ashley Horton (registrar) ph 0417 980293
Matt Waldron (camp director) ph 08 9356 8548

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