

Monday, February 18, 2008

Should little Johnny see that movie?

As parents we regularly find ourselves being the moral arbiters of what movies our children and their friends see. We have noticed how from YR 3-4, community parents don't seem to mind what their children watch (that is probably an exaggeration but we seem to say "no" more than most) From a Christian point of view however, we want to help our children see and hear what honours Jesus. We often find ourselves saying "no" to movies with more adult content (violence, sex, swearing, adult themes etc...)
We have even had community parents thanking us for saying "no" because they couldn't bring themselves to do it. (?) We have noticed that the "nos" help our children to learn to choose what is right rather than what is popular. The "no" is not a "no that's it ..." it is a "No for these reasons..."
On the issue of movies there are a number of good websites that give parents info on the content of new movies. I like:

It reviews the movie but also gives a description of moral issues raised by the movie from the viewpoint of Christian parents and provides discussion questions to stir up godly conversation about issues raised in any particular movie.

As our children mature so does the type of movies they can cope with seeing. The censorship ratings are a community guide at least to warn the unwary parent.
Don't get me wrong, we love movies in our house it is good fun and it can be a good teaching moment to discuss a moral dilemma raised by a movie. Rather than the kids watching what they like it is much better for parents to watch the movie with them, (they like being with their family too)
Are there things you have found helpful in teaching your children to be discerning movie goers?
PS I can't wait to watch The Lord of the Rings with them when they are ready ...

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