

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Pray for Rob and Leanna Haynes at Groote Eytlandt

Meet CMS Missionaries to Groote Eytlandt

Rob and Leanna Haynes.

Groote Eylandt: With a population of around 1,400, Alyangula is a multicultural mining town on the north-west tip of Groote Eylandt. Two other Groote towns are Angurugu, with around 850 people, and Umbakumba with about 450. The local language is Anindilyakwa.
As well as pastoring the small Alyangula congregation, Rob Haynes trains indigenous Christian leaders in the churches, with a specific goal of seeing men come to know Christ and follow him boldly. The Haynes are praying for more younger men and women to begin the road of discipleship. Leanna works for Anglicare, implementing strategies to improve health and education for children aged 0-5 years, in 14 indigenous communities in east Arnhem Land.
Rob has recently been diagnosed and operated on for prostate cancer. We cannot know yet if the cancer has spread. The operation on 16 April will confirm things one way or the other. Results are usually available within 5-7 days. The cancer may have spread from his prostate, which would probably mean radiation treatment or chemotherapy ..and time away from Groote. This may impact on the timing of the Groote Trip if it goes ahead. Please pray for Rob's recovery and Steve Pivetta's wisdom as to whether the trip will advance.

If you would like to receive the Haynes' monthly prayer points and news please send an e-mail to The Haynes' Prayer Support including your name and e-mail address.
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