

Monday, April 28, 2008

Simply Christianity: The 5 Week Course

Simply Christianity was the Australian Christian Book of the Year in 2000.
One of the reasons people sometimes avoid looking into Christianity is that there are so many Christianities on offer, each with their spin on things, their own rituals and practices, their own religious package. But just imagine we were able to get beyond this--to strip back all the rituals, myths and dogma; to put to one side the hair-splitting and disagreements; to get beyond all the trappings of 'religion'--what would we find? If we were to go back to Jesus himself, to the biographies about him contained in the New Testament, what would we discover Christianity to be about? That is the project of this book and this Course. It aims to present simply Christianity, by reading and reflecting upon the ancient biography of Jesus written by Luke. John Dickson has put the course together.

We are running Simply Christianity: The Course

5 Weeks from Wednesday 30th April with Gavin Parsons 7:45pm.

This is for people seeking to understand the central teaching of Christianity and for christian people wanting a refresher in the essential teaching of Christianity. It is a chance to ask hard questions about Jesus! For more information or to sign up contact Gavin at the church office 9381-2640 office@stmattsshentonpark.org.au

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