

Monday, June 8, 2009

African Enterprise Opportunities

St. Matt's has always had a connection with the work of African Enterprise and many of our members actively support its work. To remind you we have included below an extract from AE's website;
"The mission of the African Enterprise Partnership is:
To evangelise the cities of Africa through word and deed in partnership with the church
Over 45 years of ministry we have determined that the best way to achieve this mission is through the integration of four key ministry areas. These are:
Evangelism, Social Action, Reconciliation, Leadership Development
By God's grace we have seen amazing fruitfulness in our ministry. We are thankful for this and seek to be excellent in all we do, yet we understand that our primary purpose is to seek to be faithful to God's call. Therefore we are committed to upholding the following values in our ministry:
We are evangelical Christians in faith and practice
We are team based - seeking to form strategic partnerships and alliances
We are committed to reaching every strata of society holistically
We seek to bring peace where there is conflict
We are committed to the authority of scripture and hold to the Lausanne Covenant as our statement of faith"
How can you support AE?
If you are interested in supporting this work or are already involved as a supporter, African Enterprise would like you to re-affirm your interest. Peter Cheel the executive Director, together with Jeff Collett (an ex- St. Matt's member), will be in Perth at the end of this week to promote the work of African Enterprise and to plan how they might raise its profile in Western Australia.

You can assist them by indicating your interest in an email to Ian & Ngaire Jeffery at - ijeffery@aapt.net.au by Friday 12th June.
Ian Jeffery

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