

Monday, June 8, 2009

Father's and daughters: SCC AGM

If you missed Bruce Robinson at the Autumn Sessions. There is another chance...
Why not join us for an informative evening at the Shenton Christian Council AGM? Come along, share a meal and hear about what is happening with Chaplaincy and Christian Religious Education in our local schools.Business includes reports and election of officers. All reports are circulated prior to the meeting. Following the AGM, we look forward to hearing a stimulating and challenging address for families and teachers presented by Prof. Bruce Robinson.
Dr Bruce Robinson recent author of ‘Dads and their Daughters’ is also author of the best seller ‘Fathering from the Fast Lane’. A daughter's relationship with her father is usually her first male-female relationship, and it has a profound effect on her life, for good or bad.
Lecturing on fathering for nearly 20 years to thousands of people in 5 different countries, he is a doctor, teacher and scientist, with over 150 published papers and numerous awards. He co-leads The Fathering Project team at the University of Western Australia.
6.00 p.m.THURS. JUNE 11th.

$10 Pay at the door
R.S.V.P. June 4th
Laurel on 9381 8095 OR
email: collin1@iinet.net.au

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