

Friday, August 29, 2008

Ten AM move to Rosalie Update

You might be wondering where we are at with TenAM’s proposed move to Rosalie. We have been waiting for a number of issues to fall into place at the School side of things. At the School Council Meeting last Thursday, Principal Mike Lasscock confirmed three things:

1. The P& C will build a storage shed funded by them, but with space for 300 chairs for our Sunday use. (We plan to buy the chairs to share with the School)

2. St. Matt’s is welcome to use the undercover area on a Sunday for TenAM. An appropriate written agreement is being drafted.

3. Projects to upgrade the undercover area will be approved by School Council on a project by project basis. We are investigating all purpose carpeting and sealing for weather.

This means our expected financial commitment will be significantly lower than the initial proposal of a jointly funded bricked storage area. December looks the most likely start date when school finishes, which would give us Christmas Holidays to leave the chairs up in the undercover area and settle in.

From our point of view this moves us to phase 2 where we need formalise and finalise our logistics, and more importantly we need to plan our deliberate outreach to the community from this new platform.
A more detailed timetable will be distributed in the next couple of weeks.

We invite you to a planning meeting for TenAM outreach Sunday 14th September 2:00pm-4:00pm.

Please See Gavin or Kanishka or Khim for any questions


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