

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

When too much Sport is barely enough

The 2008 Smith Lecture

The Smith Lecture is a pre-evangelistic opportunity to move your slightly sceptical friends toward giving the gospel a fair hearing. The lecture can provide a topic for further discussion between you and your guests. Consider going out to dinner together afterwards to talk with them further.

The Topic
"I love my sport. Australians love sport. Many of us live for sport-to watch, play and win-because sport seems to promise such great things. The question is how much does it deliver on the dream?" Dr David Rowbottom.

Our Speaker
Dr David Rowbottom has a doctorate in human movement and has worked with some of Australia's elite sports men and women. He is currently the senior pastor of Curtin Community Church.

Thursday 21st August
Time: 5:30pm food & drinks
6:30-7:30pm lecture
Venue: Central Park Building Foyer & Theatrette
Cost: $25 (this doesn't appear on the invitation, so you have the option of paying for your guests).

RSVP: Monday 18th August

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