

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Postcard from Groote Eytlandt

Prayer Points – Rob and Leanna Haynes NT - 13 June 2008

Dear Praying Friends,

It is a while since we have sent out prayer circular but have been conscious of being upheld before our heavenly Father for the last couple of months. Many of you will have been a part of that through your prayers, and for that we are very grateful. There are some who have been wonderful in their encouragement of us by 'just keeping in touch'. Thank you so much. Some may not be aware that Rob was diagnosed with a virulent prostate cancer on 7th April and our son Mike was diagnosed with virulent leukaemia on 7th May.

Where are we at present:
We have both been in Goolwa SA, staying with my mother for five weeks now. We came here after Rob had his surgery to remove the prostate gland in Sydney on 16th April. Rob has been convalescing from the surgery and I have been working for Anglicare NT from my computer and phone down here. It seems ages ago now but the news is good and he is healing well. The doctors are confident that they were able to get all the tumour and that the cancer had not left the prostate. We pray this is the case, because ultimately it is up to God whether it 'got out' or not. Rob had his first post-op blood test today and this will be the benchmark for future tests.

The day after we got to Goolwa, we got the awful news that our oldest son, Mike, was diagnosed with Leukaemia. This came as a terrible shock and we made the rush trip up to Flinders Medical Centre in Adelaide to see him. Again by God's grace Mike has a type of Leukaemia that is most readily cured. He has been receiving chemotherapy for the past few weeks and, we believe, as of today he has turned a corner. The blast cells that were causing the problem around his bloodstream are no longer evident in his blood tests. We await the news of the next bone marrow biopsy to see if the cancer has been eradicated from his bone marrow. This won't be for a few more weeks.

However we now feel able to return to Darwin. We were not willing to leave until we had some news one way or the other about our son. It has been an extremely difficult time for his family. He and Elisa have three young children. The prospect of Mike not being able to work for three months has also been very challenging for them all. He is basically self employed as a music teacher with money made from his work in EType Jazz into the band company. Their church family at Blackwood Church of Christ and other friends and family have been surrounding them with love and care and financial help which has been wonderful to see. The nice thing is that their new CD, which was mastered in the US, is all of their own compositions. Mike has contributed a number of these and one of them will be featured as a promotional single. So if you hear Square Peg in a Round Hole, you will be listening to one of Mike's songs. We had the delight of listening to it on the local ABC radio station with him from his hospital bed last week.

We plan to drive back to Darwin beginning Saturday 7th June, taking four days to complete the trip. We will then stay in Darwin for a couple of weeks as there are meetings there that we need to attend before returning to Groote. I will be travelling to Brisbane for a meeting, then a day later we have a Diocesan Conference in Darwin to talk about the strategic plan for the Diocese.

On Groote the churches are continuing to faithfully serve our Lord Jesus. The leaders ring Rob from time to time to keep in touch. They have all been much in prayer for both Rob and our son over this time.

Thank you for your prayers and faithful support. We apologise for not being in touch over the last couple of months but given the above we know you will understand.

Please continue to pray for the churches on Groote Eylandt and the faithful Christians on Bickerton Island as well. Please also continue to pray for our family as we adjust to our new relationship with cancer in our family. Rob's sister is also recovering from breast cancer. Many of you know what this is like and we are grateful for your understanding.

We are confident that our sovereign God is in control of all our 'goings out and our comings in' and that He is faithful in all things.

We encourage you to continue your support of CMS, especially as the financial year draws to an end. CMS have been wonderful in their support and pastoral care of us over this difficult time. We continue to believe that the Lord wants us to continue to serve Him in North Australia and covet your prayers and support for that work.

Your servants in Christ,

Rob & Leanna Haynes
PO Box 723
Tel: 08 8987 6421
Rob Mob: 0428 811 280
Leanna Mob: 0428 912 404
Email: rlhaynes@cms.org.au

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