

Friday, June 27, 2008

Reflections from GAFCON on Anglican identity

Australian christian writer Tony Payne reflects on Anglican identity at GAFCON.

"What is a true blue Anglican? And what is the positive basis for Anglican unity and identity?
The workshop I’ve been attending on ‘Anglican Identity’ has been very stimulating on this crucial question, especially the addresses by Ashley Null and Andrew Shead on the common authority that Anglicanism rests upon. According to the norms and rules of the conference, I’m not allowed to report in detail on what happens in the these workshops. What I can tell you is that Null and Shead brilliantly outlined and reaffirmed that Anglicanism has an overarching, identity-shaping, unifying authority in its doctrine of Scripture.

When we look at the core documents of Anglicanism (the 39 Articles, the Homilies, and the Book of Common Prayer) a very clear picture emerges. Scripture alone is the authority, and the ‘church’ (viewed as the denomination here) is but a keeper and witness to ‘Holy Writ’, and has no power to over-rule Scripture, dismiss it, or bypass it. And although the church and its councils may resolve controversies and make decisions about matters of ceremony and order, this authority is ruled and circumscribed by Scripture..."

For the Full text Click Here ....

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