

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Preach the Word: GAFCON

At GAFCON, Henry Orombi (Archbishop of Uganda) preached a powerful sermon on ‘Jesus is Lord’, the high point of which was his emphasis on the powerful, transforming word of God.
He said
"The preaching of the word of God allows faith and response to germinate. When the Word is preached, things happen. Why is the church in the Global South growing? And not in the North? When I am in Uganda, I preach for one and half hours. How long do they preach in the North? Ten minutes? What is happening in the North? Do they have a love for the Word? An ordinary Christian in the South has a Bible that is well-used and well-thumbed. How well thumbed is your Bible?"
(GP:Longer Sermons Yes! ??)
Tony Payne reflects:

"This emphasis on the Word was also one of the most encouraging things about Os Guiness’s extraordinary address late on Monday afternoon, about the gospel and secularism. Having provided a masterly exposition of how advanced modernity and secularism was threatening Christian discipleship, his answer (among other things) was not that we needed to find some slick new message, or some clever new method. We need now more than ever, he said, to rely on the simple, plain preaching of the Word, and the accompanying power of the Holy Spirit."
So how thumbed is your Bible?

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